Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hip, Hip, Horray!!!!!

Good job to Laura and Amber...

This is weird to tell yourself congratulations, but it is either I do it, or Laura tells herself congrats, and this is my week...

So YEAH!!!!! We made it to the goal and so let's just keep on going! One more thing...


This is already added!!! Thank you!

We are moving right along and feeling strong! You ladies are doing good things for yourself, which allows you to then do good for others! Don't forget that...

I went to a great combined Relief Society meeting with the Coolidge wards(some of you were there) and the speaker gave some great insight. She said that we run on a 6 Cylinder Living module. They are;
Brain, Emotions, Choices, Body, Senses, and Spirit. We need to be aware of all these and take care of each cylinder so that we may "run" effectively. Make sure to take time for you, don't feel guilty...If we are trying to balance our lives and keep a proper perspective than we will function better in our lives. It is hard and it takes effort, but we are promised that it will be worth it in the end.

Let's help each other reach our goals and have fun doing it!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Next to Cross the FINISH LINE!

Congratulations, Melanie!!!

You reached our goal!! Hurray!!


This is for you :)

This time has already been added!!!

I found a great article with some good ideas. Of course you are all already trying to make a habit because you joined FIT GIRLS! :) But if you still need a little boost, or you're starting to wear down a little, here are some gooood tips!

15 Tips to Restart the Exercise Habit (and How to Keep It)

"It’s okay, you can finally admit it. It’s been two months since you’ve seen the inside of the gym. Getting sick, family crisis, overtime at work and school papers that needed to get finished all kept you from exercising. Now, the question is: how do you start again?..."

Read the rest HERE.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

This time is added!! Keep it up, girls!!

Here is a very interesting Healthy Lifestyle Quiz to check and see how we all might be doing...

I took it and found some areas I can improve on in my life. But what matters is that we all are aware and try better each day.

Let's take time for ourselves, we need it and deserve it!

Happy Exercising!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dos Mas!!




Nikki B.!!!

You both reached the goal!

You did SUPER!!!!

Woo hoo!!!

One for each of you!

this time has already been added, thx:)

Did you know "they" changed the food pyramid?? It's now a plate. I like it. Check it out HERE. It's kind of a fun site to look around. :) Have a good week everyone!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Congrats Lexi!!!

You made it Lexi.....Yippee!!!!!!!

35+ hours and still rockin' it!!