Thursday, March 24, 2011

Are you ready to start again? Here we go!

I decided to keep the same blog address this time.... no need to completely re-invent the wheel each time right?? However, please read closely as I am making some changes. I want to make this user friendly for everyone, not to mention adding everyone's time EASIER for us. :) our goal Our goal this round is to exercise 35 hours in 14 weeks. We will begin keeping track on Friday, April 1st and finish on Wednesday, July 13th. If you exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, you will make it by July 8th. Note the extra days to make up time if needed. :) This part is different..... Each week Amber or I will make a post with the title POST YOUR TIME HERE. When you exercise, leave a comment for this post and we'll update it for you on the side bar. You can post your time once a week or several times in the week... just be sure to always leave it in a comment for the post titled: POST YOUR TIME HERE. When we've added time for that post we'll change the title to THIS TIME IS ADDED. Please don't leave any more comments on this one, search for the new POST YOUR TIME HERE post. Make sense?? We'll send you an email each week to remind you to post your time. If you've already done this with us, this may sound confusing, but I promise it will be EASY! Ask us if you have any questions! girls' night out The party is on Saturday, July 16th Friday, July 15th. We always have a lot of fun, so I hope you will all plan to come! GO MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!
donations (this part is different too) I love doing prizes at the end, big or small. I've tried to pay for it myself and I've made you pay; I'm not really happy with either of those ways so this time I'm going to try DONATIONS. If you'd like to donate, you may do so by clicking on the link below or by giving $$ to Amber or I. I'm asking for a $10 donation. If you can't do that now, that is just fine, we still want you to join us! ... And if you'd like to donate a little more, that is fine too. :)

how to participate If you would like to participate please email me at so I can add you to the list. (If you are already on the list from last time, just let me know you'll be doing it again so I won't take you off the list.) We are all here because we want to be healthy (I imagine). If you have any tips or tricks to help us achieve this goal PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE IN A POST! This may include a great healthy recipe or snack idea, fun exercise ideas, a link to a good article, etc. This is everyone's blog! If you are not already an author to the blog and would like to post ideas let me know that as well, so I can make you an author. I'm excited to get started! Thanks again to Amber for helping me! Let us know if you have any questions!

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